Coffee is the Elixir of Life

  • Coffee gives you self-worth that you never had (and still don’t really but now think you do.) In You’ve Got Mail Tom Hanks illustrates this in a brief tyrant:

“The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.”

  • Coffee is ART


       I went to local coffee houses Perugino and The Wandering Goat and met two very eager baristas that upon hearing my desire to photograph latte art took great pains to produce their own personal work of art. Although I only requested one latte, both baristas, unsatisfied with their first attempt, made multiple lattes. A former barista myself, I understand that coffee is not just combination of ingredients but a process unique to each barista. Each component is crucial, from the steaming of the milk to create worthy foam, to pulling just the right shot, easily ruined by the grind or the length of the shot. Upon moving to Eugene from Portland, a city obsessed with snobby coffee and even snobbier baristas, I was dismayed with the lack of interest in “good coffee” in Eugene. It was refreshing  to discover the above coffee houses. Though entirely different in ambience,  both share the common goal of creating a caffeinated masterpiece.   The last photograph was taken by my sister, Abbey, in Seattle at El Diablo. The coffee house was originally named Heaven and Hell, designed with an upstairs level condusive to studying and enjoying espresso, while the downstairs (Hell) was the noisy counterpart where the coffee is made. When making rent was no longer possible, Heaven was sold and the coffee is now known simply as, El Diablo.

  • Drink Coffee. Prevent Diabetes. Harvard research concludes that by consuming six or more cups of coffee a day men can reduce risk of diabetes by 54% and women by 30%.

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